Digitisation at JOB LEADER

In 2020 we began intensive work to introduce digitisation of legal work contracts for employees.

We were able to do this thanks to a change in the law in 2021 due to COVID-19.

Together with our longtime supplier of software, we prepared the parameters for this project and puti t into effect.  The person responsible for this work was our Director of temporary help contracts (Petra).  The protype was ready by the end of 2021 which we then tested with clients in order to demonstrate function and next steps.

The results we received were more than positive.  The main result from employees and customers was that it an effective solution for teh environment – not wasting paper and printing materials but bringing efficiency, flexibility and visibility which in these digital times is a key factor.  At the same time during COVID-19 this systém helped to solve the recruitment problems even during restrictions.

Digitisation brought these benefits:

  • No physical archive needed which in CZE is normály 30 years.

  • Recruitment branches do not need printers or copy machines and teh process is faster.

  • Contracts can be signed anywhere.

  • Contracts are immediately available to employees in their mailbox.

  • Employees have the possibility to login to the systém and download anything they need, such as pay tables.

  • An employee need never lose an important document.

  • The system automaticaly connects employees with health and social insurance companies.

  • The systém is ready for connection to our clients‘ timekeeping systems.

The whole systém is completely digital without the need for printing.

Where are the documents stored?

On failsafe serves provided by VODAFONE in allocated centres in the Czech Republic.  VODAFONE cloud solutions is built on the same technological systém that the company uses for its stable systems and mobile network.

The whole solution is in Geo-cluster in accordance with ISO 27001 & ISO 22301. (two data centres built in Tier IV with clear definitiondistance) in the Czech Republic with availability of 99,992%.

The service is located in Vodafone’s data centres which are part of the Czech Republic’s critical infrastructure.

In the last two years, our partner Vodafone has won the competition for the bext mobile company in the Czech Republic awarded by the independent magazine CHIP.

So, how does it work?

Job Leader’s HR coordinators are equipped with iPad Airs with Apple pencils.

This equipment are loaded with the software we need.  iPads use remote connection and can be updated from the Job Leader offices without needing teh ipad to be present.

Employees and coordinators are able to sign varous documents directly in the iPad and the tablet immediately send the data to the accounting software. The system then automatically sends an email to the employee and connects with insurance offices and pay calculations.

And that’s all.  A small change for employees and high efficiency and savings for our company and for our clients.

For our clients we have prepared a new digital service for their existing employees.  Now JOB LEADER can offer digitisation for your company and reduce costs.


Contact us with no obligation: poptavky@jobleader.cz


Denisa Brichtová
+420 226 523 555

We are available:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 17:00

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